Presentation Guideline
  • Submission Guideline
  • Presentation Guideline
  • Grants & Awards
Presentation Guideline
If you do not respond to the acceptance of abstract presentation by the deadline, the response will be automatically put as ‘Accept’.
All abstract presenters must register to the congress by the indicated deadline. Otherwise, the abstract acceptance will be canceled without further notice.
Acceptance Notice for Abstracts February 18 (Tue.), 2025
Response for Presentation Acceptance Deadline April 16 (Wed.), 2025, 23:59 KST
Abstract Presenter Registration Deadline
Oral Presentation Guideline
Format Format MS-PowerPoint
Size 16:9 widescreen ratio (Landscape)
* File size should be less than 20MB.
Font Arial or Tahoma is recommended
* Font size should be no smaller than 12 pt.
Page Limit No limit, but we recommend to prepare to be able to present in 7 minutes.
Media All video materials should be embedded in the presentation file. In case which is necessarily needed the video clip, we recommend to insert it at least for proper progress.
Template For the presentation submission, presenters are encouraged to use the provided template below or the use of personal template is also accepted.

The presentation is required to include all the following elements along with the abstract.
• Presentation code
• Topic category
• Abstract title
• Authors
Template Download
Presentation File Upload Preview Room on-site
Poster Presentation Guideline
  • ◆ Posters should be printed and brought to the onsite individually.
    ◆ Poster Size & Formation
    The total size of the assigned poster panel is 950mm (Width) X 2,500mm (Height) with white laminate board.
    The poster-board surface for each poster will be 900mm (Width) X 1200 mm (Height) for comfortable angle for viewers.
    All the materials should be of sufficient size so they can be easily read at a reasonable distance of 1 to 1.5 meters by the participants.
    Poster should include the contents illustrated below.
    - Identify project by title, author(s)’s name(s), affiliation(s) and country.
    - Include useful figures, tables, schemes, equations, and pictures.
    - Include materials, tables, graphs, photographs, or illustrations.
    ◆ Additional Information on setting and break-down
    Hang your poster for one hour between 07:00 and 08:00 on the designated date.
    Put it up as early as possible so that attendees arriving early in the Poster Lounge will be able to see your poster.
    Presenters are responsible for posting and removing their own materials.Your poster will only be on display in the Poster Lounge on your indicated day.
    The KCR 2025 Secretariat will provide “cut and use” tapes for you to attach your materials to the poster board. The tapes which are offered by secretariat are easy to attach and detach your poster with less damage than others. Therefore, except the tapes from the secretariat, glue, staples or tapes are not allowed for the convenience. There will be attachment preparation boxes (tapes, scissors, etc.) around the poster board and some volunteers who can help you will wait at the poster session desk.
    All posters and materials must be removed from the Poster Lounge between 18:30 and 19:30 on that day. KCR 2025 is not responsible for posters that remain after the removal time.
    ALL POSTERS LEFT AFTER 20:00 WILL BE DISCARDED. On the last day, all the left posters will be detached by the KCR 2025 secretariat after the symposium.
Contact for Abstract Submission
KCR 2025 Secretariat  |  
Tel. +82-2-6278-8591  |